Join us for an enlightening webinar as we explore the latest innovations reshaping the landscape of Islamic Finance. From technological advancements to pioneering strategies, discover how innovation is driving growth and sustainability in the industry.
**Key Topics Include:**
- Innovations in Islamic Finance: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice
- The Urgency of Islamic Ethics for Sustainable Business in The Era Society 5.0
- Quantitative Research in Islamic Economics and Business
**Date: [May, 07th 2024] | Time:**
- [08.00-11.00AM] (Germany Time)
- [10.00-13.00AM] (Turkish Time)
- [15.00-18.00PM] (Central Indonesia Time/WITA)
**Platform:** Zoom Webinar
- Join Zoom Meeting: https://fullerton.zoom.us/j/8820664126?pwd=NFIvVjJvOFA2VHhhcWhkNUJhMlRpQT09&omn=89085174949
- Meeting ID: 882 066 4126 – Passcode: FEBIUINSI
- [Associated. D, Adnan A.M Oweida], [Ankara Sosyal Bilimler University-ASBU, TURKEY]
- [Hj. Norvadewi, M. Ag], [Lecturer of UINSI Samarinda, Indonesia]
- [Anwaril Hamidy, M. Pd.], [Candidate Doctor of Universität Bremen, German]
**Registration:** [from now]
Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insights, explore cutting-edge developments, and network with thought leaders in the field of Islamic Finance. Reserve your spot today!
**Virtual Background**
For more information, please contact:
- +6285229641941 (Tikawati)
- +62+82159564731 (Kokom Komariah)